Maine dental hygiene practice act

E. Perform all procedures necessary for a complete prophylaxis, including but not limited to scaling and root planing and periodontal maintenance; [PL 2023, c. 354, §8 (AMD).]

F. [PL 2023, c. 354, §8 (RP).] G. [PL 2023, c. 354, §8 (RP).] H. [PL 2023, c. 354, §8 (RP).] I. Apply sealants; [PL 2015, c. 429, §21 (NEW).] J. Smooth and polish restorations; [PL 2023, c. 354, §8 (AMD).] K. [PL 2017, c. 388, §20 (RP).]

L. Obtain impressions for and deliver athletic mouth guards and custom fluoride trays; [PL 2023, c. 354, §8 (AMD).]

M. [PL 2023, c. 354, §8 (RP).]

N. Place temporary restorations in compliance with the protocol adopted by the board; [PL 2015, c. 429, §21 (NEW).]

O. [PL 2023, c. 354, §8 (RP).]

P. Expose and process radiographs, including but not limited to vertical and horizontal bitewing films, periapical films, panoramic images and full-mouth series; [PL 2023, c. 354, §8 (AMD).]

Q. Prescribe, dispense or administer fluoride, silver diamine fluoride, antimicrobial solutions for mouth rinsing, topical anesthetics, other nonsystemic antimicrobial agents, desensitizing agents and resorbable antimicrobial agents; and [PL 2023, c. 354, §8 (AMD).]

R. Perform dental hygiene assessment, dental hygiene diagnosis and dental hygiene treatment planning and implementation in the identification, prevention and management of oral disease. [PL 2023, c. 354, §8 (NEW).]

[PL 2023, c. 354, §8 (AMD).]

2. Practice standards. An independent practice dental hygienist has the duties and responsibilities set out in this subsection with respect to each patient seen in an independent capacity.

A. Prior to an initial patient visit, an independent practice dental hygienist shall obtain from the patient or the parent or guardian of a minor patient written acknowledgment of the patient's or parent's or guardian's understanding that the independent practice dental hygienist is not a dentist and that the service to be rendered does not constitute restorative care or treatment. [PL 2015, c. 429, §21 (NEW).]

B. An independent practice dental hygienist shall provide to a patient or the parent or guardian of a minor patient a written plan for referral to a dentist for any necessary dental care. The referral plan must identify all conditions that should be called to the attention of the dentist. [PL 2015, c. 429, §21 (NEW).]

[PL 2015, c. 429, §21 (NEW).] SECTION HISTORY PL 2015, c. 429, §21 (NEW). PL 2017, c. 388, §§20, 21 (AMD). PL 2023, c. 354, §8 (AMD).

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