Free Real Estate Practice Exam: Guide and Sample Test

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Searching for a free real estate practice exam? If so, you’re in the right place. We’ve built a small collection of practice questions in the same style of those you’ll find on the real estate exam. Read on to take the quiz.

Free Sample Real Estate Practice Exam

If you’re not sure if a real estate practice exam is the right exam prep method, try this free sample practice exam. It has the same types of multiple-choice questions you’ll see on your state’s actual real estate exam. It’s free to take and will give you a good idea of whether this method of review is helpful for you. How many questions will you know the answers to? [show-quiz title=”Real Estate Practice Quiz”]

Why Practice Exams Matter

Student Studying Hard Exam and Sleeping on Books, Tired Girl Read Difficult Book in Library

Inara Prusakova/Shutterstock

Studies have shown that you’re more likely to pass an exam if you take practice tests before the final exam. You’ve dedicated months of your time taking your pre-licensing courses and preparing to sit for the real estate exam. You’re nearing the finish line! Give yourself the best chance at success on the first try by taking real estate practice exams. We’ll explain the advantages and benefits practice exams give you in this guide. We’ll also highlight the best online prep options. We’ve even got a free sample real estate practice exam for you! Keep reading to learn all you need to know and what you can expect when you take one. Ask anyone who passed the real estate exam on the first try how they did it. The answer is almost always, “I took a lot of real estate practice exams.” The old adage practice makes perfect certainly applies here.

Real Estate Practice Exam Benefits

Focused young african american businesswoman or student looking at laptop holding book learning, serious black woman working or studying with computer doing research or preparing for exam online as an image for a piece on real estate practice exams


Let’s look at the real estate practice exam benefits in a little more detail. After all, this is vital to your success, and you should understand why.

Boost Your Overall Exam Score

A score of 70% to 75% is considered a passing score for the real estate exam. If you’d rather be well above the passing score with no worries about failing the exam, you have to take practice exams.

Dozens of studies have shown that repeated practice testing increases the overall score you’ll make on the final exam. Walking out of the exam room with a passing score of 75% would be great.

But how awesome would it feel to walk out with a 100% score? Take practice tests to boost your overall exam score.

Pass on the First Try

concept of pass on a note to symbolize the boost you will get from taking our free real estate practice exam

You don’t want to spend time and money preparing for the real estate exam only to have to do it again. Passing on the first try is the goal, and taking practice exams is key to achieving it.

Most online real estate pre-licensing course providers have a pass-or-money-back guarantee, but only if you take their exam prep and practice exams. There’s a good reason for this.

You have a better chance of passing on the first try if you take practice exams! Course providers don’t want to offer a money-back guarantee until they’re sure that you’re well prepared to pass on the first try.

Prepares You for Exam Conditions

The real estate exam is done on a computer. Multiple choice questions appear on the screen, allowing you to select the correct answer before moving on to the next question.

Taking practice exams online gives you a chance to get a peek at what the actual exam will be like. It’s even more beneficial if you try to mimic the actual exam conditions as much as possible when you take a practice exam.

Sit at a desk or table, put away your phone, grab a simple calculator (no graphing or scientific calculators are allowed), and make sure the room is quiet.

Treating the practice exam like it’s the real thing will help you feel prepared when entering the actual exam room.

Helps You Monitor Your Time

Alarm clock in a wastepaper concept for a time waste of time with cork board texture background

Real estate practice exams are an excellent way to make sure you’re using your test time wisely. If your practice exam isn’t timed, set a timer.

Here’s how much time you’ll be given for the final real estate exam :

Part 1: National Real Estate Concepts
Part 2: State Real Estate Laws

Set your timer or watch your practice test’s built-in timer to track how much time you have left. In general, try not to spend too much time on any single question.

Sometimes, the correct answer will be hinted at or given in a later exam question. You can always go back and answer questions you skipped over initially.

Allows You to Review Problem Topics

Young female student study in the school library.She using laptop and learning online.

You can note any topics or questions in unit quizzes that give you trouble while studying. But taking a good real estate practice exam makes it easier.

Each question you miss will be shown to you so you can focus more studying effort on it. The more you review topics that you haven’t mastered, the more you master them.

When I studied to take my real estate exam, I took practice tests several times. Seeing the questions I missed gave me a clear direction on what to study more that night.

After reviewing the correct answers to questions I had trouble with, I found that I was consistently answering them correctly.

Enables a Mixed Review of Topics

You can always review your course units and unit quizzes to study for the final exam, but it’s not ideal. First, you will always see each unit’s questions in a group together.

That’s not how the actual real estate exam will be ordered. Questions from each unit will be mixed in a random order within the corresponding section (National and State).

Second, you will not get a sense of how the exam “jumps” from one topic or unit to another. If you haven’t studied the material this way, it could get confusing on the final exam.

Practice exams through accredited real estate course providers make it easy to do a full mixed review of exam topics just like the final exam.

Practice Exam Requirements

Folder with the label Requirements

Some states require you to take a real estate practice exam before you can take your final exam. Using Real Estate Express for your pre-licensing course materials will make it easy to see if it is a requirement.

Once you finish all your course units and unit quizzes, you can access the practice exam (if your state requires it). If your state does not require a practice exam, you can go back and retake any unit quiz.

You can also review any unit you’ve completed. Real Estate Express shows you units you had trouble with or previously failed the unit quiz to focus on those sections.

Best Online Real Estate Practice Exam

There are hundreds, if not thousands of online real estate practice exams. Not all practice exams cover the right material or help mimic the actual real estate exam.

It’s important to choose a good practice exam that will help you pass the final exam, and the reason is simple. If you train your brain to recognize certain patterns, it’ll be much easier to spot them on the real exam.

Real Estate Express offers the best online real estate practice exam and exam prep available. It’s what I used to prepare for the real estate exam. Here’s why it’s the best.

Real estate express practice exam

Image Source: Real Estate Express Course

Plenty of Practice Exams

The Real Estate Express Exam Prep course includes 17 total exams. That’s ten practice exams, two national final exams, three state final exams, and two custom exams you can build from questions you might struggle with.

Accurate State-Specific Practice Questions

Many practice exams don’t line up directly with each state’s real estate exam topics – and each state’s exam is different. Real Estate Express not only covers all your national and state-required topics in the regular pre-licensing courses.

But they also help prepare you for the topics your state actually covers in Part 2 of the real estate exam. This is a huge advantage that can boost your chances of passing.

Helpful Review and Study Materials

Practice exams are necessary, but you can squeeze in additional review by using the other materials Real Estate Express includes in the exam prep course.

You can study digital flashcards, create custom exams from missed questions, and view your practice and final exam results broken down by topic to see your strengths and weaknesses.

Promo Codes and Discounts

Real Estate Express regularly offers exclusive discounts and promo codes for their pre-licensing courses. You can save 20% to 30% off their regular prices this way!

Pass or Don’t Pay Guarantee

One of the best things about the Real Estate Express exam prep course is how much they stand behind it. They offer a pass or don’t pay guarantee.

If you take the real estate exam within 30 days of your exam prep course and don’t pass, Real Estate Express will give you a full refund.

All you have to do is submit your state’s exam failure notice within 30 days of your exam.

Real Estate Practice Exams Are Essential

Retro effect and toned image of a woman hand writing a note with a fountain pen on a notebook. Handwritten text PRACTICE, business success concept

Real estate practice exams are the best way to prepare for your state’s real estate exam. You’ve spent weeks or months learning new material in your pre-licensing courses.

So you want to ensure you give your best effort to pass the exam on the first try and get your real estate license.

Try our free sample practice exam above, take advantage of the Pass or Don’t Pay Guarantee with the Real Estate Express Exam Prep course , and get ready to celebrate a passing score and a job well done!