
The Postal Service is actively hiring for full time, part time and seasonal employment. Explore detailed information about some of our top jobs below and find the best fit for you.

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USPS mail carrier walking down a sidewalk.

Career opportunities

From mechanics to mail handlers to marketers, explore your possibilities.

USPS employees working in a sorting facility.

Working at USPS

Challenging and rewarding environment. Training and opportunities for advancement.

Feature site sections


2020 Top Federal <a href=Agency for Multicultural Business Opportunities" />

Equal Opportunity Magazine 2021 Readers’ Choice

Careers and the Disabled Magazine 2021 Readers

Image of the Woman Engineer Magazine 2021 Readers’ Choice

Image of the Minority Engineer Magazine 2021 Readers’ Choice logo

Image of the Black EOE Journal 2022 Best of the Best logo

Image of the Hispanic Network Magazine 2022 Best of the Best logo

Image of the Professional Woman’s Magazine 2022 Best of the Best logo

Image of the U.S. Veterans Magazine 2022 Best of the Best logo

Military Times 2020 Best for Vets: Employers logo

Image of the Military Friendly Employer 2021 award logo

Image of the Military Friendly Spouse Employer 2021 award logo

U.S. Postal Service links

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